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LFS series bag convey-closing unit
product description
LFS series bag convey-closing unit, which is constituted by a sewing head, a column and a belt conveyor, is used to close bags filled with various products e.g. foodstuff, fertilizer, feed, & chemicals. It has a capability of handling 200~600 bags/hour with automatic and simple operation. Right model suitable for working condition can be selected from a wide range of different models.
    Functions: convey bags, bag top closing.
    Sewing head can be selected: GK35-2C, GK35-6A, GK35-8, GK35-8A, GK68-6, GK68-9, DS-9C
    1.    Weight of the bags: 10~100kg;      
    2.    Height of bags: 400-900mm;
    3.    Conveyor speed: 6~12m/min, 240~600bags/h.
    4.    Conveyor length: 2.0m(LFS2000), 2.5m(LFS2500), 3.0m(LFS3000) or longer; Width:40cm
    5.    Motor: 0.55KW for conveyer & 0.37 KW for sewing head
    6.    Thread cutting and start-stop styles are depended on Sewing head selected

    You can make up a complete set as you like, for example LFS2500+ (GK35-6A) which is constituted by a 2.5m conveyor, GK35-6A sewing head, a column and its control box.
    If you have belt conveyor by yourself, you can purchase it without conveyor.

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