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GKN-2 High speed bag sewing machine
product description
GKN-2 High speed bag sewing machine: Plain Feed, Flat Bed, Double Thread Chain Stitch Machine for seaming and hemming of light to medium weight material such as multi-wall paper, PP/PE woven cloth, jute bags, etc.
GKN-2HS: Single needle, right hand
GKN-2LHS: Single needle, left hand
GKN-2W: Two needles, right hand

        Max. Speed: 2,800rpm
        Seam: Double thread chain stitch
       Stitch Width: 7-12mm
       Bag Material: Paper, PP
       Thickness: Paper bag 4P with a tuck
       Needle: DR×2 #25 or #26
       Oiling: Automatic oil supply
       Oil: Tellus #32
       Weight: 34.0kg

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