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FGB4-1 Container bag sewing machine
product description
FGB4-1 Container bag sewing machine: is High speed, Single Needle, Compound Feed with alternating presser & reverse feed lockstitch machine. As a heavy duty lockstitch sewing machine, GB4-1 model is used to sew canvas, container bags, belts, leather, tent, luggage & thick material.

Up-and-down feed dog and alternating presser foot are adopted in this model. Such a structure ensures that the upper and lower layers will not displace under any needle pitch, sticky material or super long products so as to obtain orderly products with beautiful stitches. The link take-up system increases the speed of the main shaft and reduces noise, ensuring the quality of the whole machine and prolonging service life. Oversize oscillating shuttle may be used to increase thread volume and to reduce number of times of thread change-over to enhance working efficiency.

        Max. Sewing Speed: 800/min
       Stitch length: 0-14mm
       Presser food lift: 14mm
       Operating space: 200×420mm
       Needle: GV2  110-280
       Thread: wax thread 25/3-18/7, flax thread 2*7, or nylon thread 2-24#
       Motor power     550W, 1400rpm (Clutch motor) 380Vot, 50HZ
       Net weight of machine head: 78kg
       Need bar stroke: 58mm
       Shuttle hook: SEIKO HSH-7-3

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