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GK9-2 Portable Bag Closer
product description
GK9-2 portable bag closer is a much light weight machine, mainly suitable for sewing grain bags, sugar bags, salt bags etc.  
1.    Single thread locked chain stitch.
2.    Needle No.: 26#
3.    Stitch Length: 7.5~8.5MM
4.    Weight: 4.5kg; Speed: 800rpm
5.    1 phase, 50 hertz, 220 volt or  1 phase, 50 hertz, 36 volt (others quoted on request).

Technical Parameters
Speed 800 r.p.m.
Sewing thickness 8mm
Stitch length 7.5-8.5mm
Stitch type single threads chain 101
Needle typy 26#
Thread cotton, polyester 21S/5,21S/3
Power 220V、36V
Net weight 5.5kg
Motor 90W
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