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GN20-2C FIBC sewing machine
product description
GN20-2C FIBC sewing machine is Single Needle, Plain Feed, Flat Bed, Double Threads Overlock Stitch Sewing Machine for overseaming container bags made from woven polypropylene and simultaneously attaching regular, loosely woven belt bands with polypropylene sewing threads.
GN20-2C-0: Without guides for filler cord from the top or from below for sealing the needle punctures of the left needle.
GN20-2C-1: With guides for filler cord from the top for sealing the needle punctures of the left needle.
GN20-2C-2: With guides for filler cord from below for sealing the needle punctures of the left needle.
GN20-2C-3: With guides for filler cord from the top and below for sealing the needle punctures of the left needle.

  1. Stitch type: 502/SSa-1.
  2. Standard seam width 15 mm
  3. Thickness of material: 14mm
  4. Standard needle type: GN20-400/33#
  5. Stitch range: 7 to 16 mm
  6. Speed: up to 1400 stitches per minute, depending on fabric and sewing operation.
  7. Recommended operating speed: 1200 stitches per minute.
  8. Weight net: 36 kg

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