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QG6900(SS) bags feed-in device
product description
QG6900(SS) bags feed-in device
        QG6900 bags feed-in device is a long type feed-in device, which is used to feed the filled bags into the sewing machine and fold over the bag top. This model is used together with the GK series automatic bag closing sewing machines.

    QG6900 made by normal carbon steel with folding
    QG6900SS made by stainless steel with folding
    QG6900-1 made by normal carbon steel without folding
    QG6900SS-1 made by stainless steel without folding

Then, what is the main difference between QG4900 and QG6900?
    Firstly, the 4900 feed bags with belts while the 6900 feed bags with chains.
    Secondly, the 4900 feed bags only to the presser before sewing while the 6900 feed bags until sewing completed.

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